The Bee Yard: working & teaching
I raise friendly bees so suiting up comes down to just a veil. My students were very curious and brave in their attire. Nice job gals.
Top bar hive inspection & education
sitting and just observing the bee flight
Winterizing, inspecting & resting
Wrapping the bees before the snow hits. Plenty of food storage, late mite treatment and all set for winter.Listening to bees in warm & cold weather will tell you what is going on in the hive.
nucs need special winter care wrapping hives getting ready for winter winter hives winter hives listen to your hives to gauge their mood summer inspection waiting for inspection working the back 40 apiary very productive hive bee mobile ready to go waiting for a swarm to move in
Our super amazing grandkids helping paint the hive boxes.
Bee Gallery
Enjoy your visit to Hazel Ridge Farm
The gift of the bee
Art & Nature : what a balanced combination to Zen
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